Email Campaigns

Still One of the Most Effective Marketing Tools

Even with the growth and success of seemingly endless social media sites, email marketing still remains one of the most effective marketing tools available.  In order to sign up for a social media site in the first place, you need one email address.  It's the best way to directly reach your customers with a personal touch.  No worries about negative public feedback that must be policed.  You can include as many links as you want.  You can even target specific groups of customers.  Want to send out an offer to customers with an upcoming birthday?  You can do it.

Eat Out Long Island can help you grow your own list, if you don't already have one and cultivate the list as well.  People change their emails all the time.  We look for automated messages indicating when that's happened.  If visitors can enter their email via a form on your website, sometimes they make a spelling error.  For example,  We'll look for those as well...and FIX them.

If you'd like to learn more about how to get started with an email campaign, please contact us.

Now...let's get started by filling out the form below:

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